Se acabó el chocolate
Is it true? I don't think so! That hole is so small! The rich smell of chocolate wafts through the neighborhood and curiosity feeds and robs our two adventurers of any idea of what awaits them! It's better to find out than to stand around for an eternity waiting for the grown-ups to figure it out. A whole day and a night can go on for a long time. Witches and monsters, and even bat-men and inexperienced wizards, are ready to escape from fantasy to make Kika and Pitu's games into real battles where the important thing is not to be stunned by fear, but, to be clear that a friend is an ideal companion to face the unknown with and the most important thing: don't run out of chocolate!
Ficha artística
- Actresses Ave Hernández, Marli Santana, Andrea Lobo
- Scenography and Costumes Isa Soto
- Lighting Design Enrique Rodríguez
- Collaboration with staging Rosa Díaz
- Dramaturgy and Direction Marli Santana